launching my drawing safari website and have as a goal to blog more - not regularly but only when I find something that can be of interest - quotes, ideas... I have worked with my sketchbooks like that for a long time, and several people have asked me to publish them - but I thought: why not put some of those things here? then lets see... quite a few might find it a bit... stuck up, and all I can say as a defence is - what do you expect after 7 years of studying philosophy? I like it, thats all... I think deep thoughts and thinking adds to the beauty of life. and personally I get rather sick and tired of blah-blahs and funnyisms after too long (but no bad feelings, gotta have some fun too!) Most of the things that resonates with me these days are connected to creativity in some form or another, thereby to life itself. To dare to create in a true and honest way despite shortcomings and warts and inkspots and all is not a small thing.
the first quote of the day is from Carl Rogers, the american psychologist and founder of the "person-centered" therapy (he was, by the way also a friend of Martin Buber).
"There is a desperate social need for the creative behavior of creative individuals" he wrote as early as 1952
It is interesting to se that this still rings true today.
and how do we get there?
well, lets look at what Seth Godin has to say about it in "Tribes":
"The desire to fail on the way to reaching a bigger goal is the untold secret of success"
so, with that I will take my sketchbook outside in this glorious sunny day and see if I can come up with a new way to catch the colours of this landscape around me that I have come to know so well...