Sunday, 19 February 2012

Edible creations

This weekend has been dedicated to celebration. More specific, the celebration of coming to the magical age of 4 for a true little princess. As the current residental artist in the family I was called to the department of creative decor, especially on the side of the famous Norwegian Marzipan Cake. For those of you who are not aware of our celebration tradition, the marzipan cake is THE cake. It is the symbol of a REAL celebration. You might have cupcakes.  Which we did.

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Chocolate&avocado cupcakes with cream cheese & sugar toppings, “Princess” cupcakes with pink icing, glittery sugar and Disney-themed medaillions.

Then there need to be Gell-O. How else to bring that special anticipation of a bunch of kids of whatsup in these interactive media world than by carrying the dessert, making it shake a bit saying with a funny voice “ohnoohnoooo….. uhunooooo!!!!! I will be eaten soooon…….  Iam sooooo scaaared…”

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Multiple coloured gelly with fresh fruit, vanilla cream and some bling.

Ok, okey dokey. Not done it for like… 20 years but my brain or at least my hands still found the way after some wonderful spunking about with geggamoja with some help from the jubilant herself, dressed in pink, of course, for the occasion.  Kristinas 4årsdag 19 februar 2012 006   Kristinas 4årsdag 19 februar 2012 040

The celebrant googing around in sugary substances with us while the real mummy expert (NOT me!!!) get down to the basis for vanilla cream filled buns.

Finally! Then it was The Cake. Fine! Not scared, nooo…hehe.. !!! Looking forward to  reconnect with the magical mystery behind doing the definitive cake that makes all true Norwegians close their eyes if only for a split second when taking the first bite anticipating the mixture of sweet and nutty and fruity and creamy and--- how wonderful you are going to do all that and I will now sit down and bask in your glory and have a coffee and hmm?? waitaminutewhat… mmm… uh oh. You would like to have a… what as decoration? Crosscountry skier? In 3 dimensions preferably looking like the celebrant ?

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The Cake for a moment looking like something that should definitely be kept behind the bar for… well… why can they not just eat all those other things???

Oh, ok. eh. sure. Are you sure? Yes? And you bought the most expensive ecological marzipan avaliable on the market to create it in? to be colored? by this… by me?? oh. Well. Ok. They asked for me, they will get what I can…, eh, not eat, and like along the way…

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Marzipan, chocolate, cream, licorize and golden birthday candles on cake, princess cupcakes in the background.

Mummy is very clever. She knows how to nudge and she judges well. Well, it is creation, after all. So it went well. And it was fun. Especially eating the superfluous parts of the composition before publication;) (but oh I’m So finished with sugar for this year…)

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We closed down ovens, took our aprons off, blew the balloons, had more coffee, the kids and parents came from sledging in the park ready to eat and relax and have fun and celebrate.

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That was fun! Already booked for the party next year…

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